At our meeting on May 1, Reading Rotary presented a donation of $500 to BSA Troop 702 to help defray the costs of the Scouts High Adventure trip to Colorado. BSA Troop 702 is out of the Old South Church. Pictured here are Co-President John Douglass and Donations Committee Chair Pat Calley with Karl Weld, representing Troop 702.
Reading Rotary has long supported Scouting in town. Rotary has adopted a policy of donating $200 toward any approved Eagle Scout Project or Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Rotary and Scouting both place service to the community as a paramount value of their organizations.
Scouts from Reading each year help with the set up and take down of our Reading Fall Street Faire. In addition to Troop 702's regular local camping trips, every several years, it will plan a High Adventure trip for older Scouts. As part of their planning, the Scouts need to raise funds. In the recent past Troop 702 Scouts have experienced the High Adventure trip to Sea Base in the Florida Keys.