Posted by John Douglass on Aug 15, 2022
At our last board meeting we went over several topics one of which is our meeting days and times.  Starting after the RFSF, we are going to hold club meetings the first and third Mondays of every month.  We will meet:
1st Monday:  Residence at Pearl in Reading at 12:15
3rd Monday:  RCTV at 6pm.  All lunches and dinners will be catered. 
Our Board Meetings will now be held on the 4th Monday of every month.  The first meeting after the RFSF will be Monday, September 19 at RCTV at 6PM. We are hoping that with the changes in time and location will allow us to accommodate all the members and their busy schedules.
I encourage everyone to check our Calendar on our website.  Please subscribe to the Calendar to sync to your computer and phone.  Any questions please reach out to Sheila or me.