This Member Spotlight is on Sheila Clarke. Sheila is our Immediate Past President, having just finished serving 2 years as Club President. Sheila served as Co-President in 2022-23 with John Douglass and again as President in 2023-24. Sheila is on the Board of Directors and the Reading Fall Street Faire Planning Committee. Outside Rotary, Sheila runs her own Interior Design business M&H Interiors.
How long have you been in Rotary: 6 years.
Reason you joined Rotary: When Rotary agreed to take over running the Reading Fall Street Faire from the Town, some members reached out to me to assist in running it. I had previously served on the Town’s Economic Development Committee, the committee that originated the RFSF.
Favorite thing about Rotary: You really get to see the impact the group has on the community.
Why should someone join Rotary: Volunteering is a very personal decision. We are all pulled in many directions. I think Rotary gives you the ability to be as involved in whatever is important to you and to whatever extent you want to be involved.
Something people may be surprised to learn about you: I failed my driving test twice! Although, I actually thought it should have been only once 😊
Share something special about your Rotary journey/experience.
I have met the most wonderful, generous people throughout all levels of Rotary. The friendships that have come out of my membership have been fantastic and unexpected.
You can find Sheila’s business M&H Interiors here: www.MandHinteriors.com.