Posted by Tim Kelley on Jul 22, 2020
Due to COVID-19, the Reading Fall Street Faire cannot be held as it has traditionally with a large crowd in the Downtown.  Reading Rotary is looking instead to hold a series of satellite events to replace the one day RFSF.
We also understand that many groups have likewise cancelled events this year.  We are reaching out to other local groups and community partners if they would like to hold some pandemic appropriate event as part of a fall community celebration in Reading.  Rotary is working on plans including a Car Show, Drive-in Movie, Cornhole Tournament and 5K race type activity.  We’re looking for other ideas that can be done with socially distancing or can be virtual.
If your organization is interested in participating in or partnering with us for a fall community celebration, please contact us.  If you have had to cancel a fundraising event, this may also be a way for you to fundraise for your organization.
Your event would be your own.  We offer that we can help with support and publicity as part of a fall celebration for the Town.
Thank you for all you do for the Reading Community and we look forward to less complicated times.